Pressure Washing Tips

All About The Soft Washing Method

All About The Soft Washing Method: A Lower Pressure Approach To Professional Exterior Cleaning

When it comes to pressure washing, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Different surfaces and materials have different needs, and it’s important to know which method to use and when. The soft washing method is an incredibly safe, gentle, and effective technique commonly used in both residential and commercial pressure washing services, and it’s always good to understand the basics of any type of work that’s being performed on your property. Keep reading to learn a little more about this technique and how it’s used, and for more specific inquiries about pressure washing in general, give us a call at (828) 748-5269 today!

What Exactly Is The Soft Washing Technique And How Does It Work?

Soft washing is one of the three primary pressure washing techniques, and what sets it apart from standard pressure washing and power washing is the fact that it is a much gentler approach to exterior cleaning. Soft washing pairs a much lower pressure setting, typically around or below 500 PSI, with a higher concentration of an eco-friendly detergent to gently clean more delicate exterior surfaces. This technique is a good happy medium between using a regular garden hose, which can range from around 50 to 350 PSI and the higher pressure exterior cleaning techniques that use pressure settings well into the thousands.

What Kinds Of Cleaning Services Are Best Performed With This Lower Pressure Approach?

Because soft washing is a safer approach to both residential and commercial pressure washing, it has a wide variety of uses for all kinds of materials. It’s important to note that some services, such as roof cleaning and window washing, for example, require the soft washing method for the best results. Surfaces like your glass or shingles simply cannot withstand a higher pressure wash without running the risk of expensive property damage, so this technique should always be used. However, soft washing can be used on virtually any other material with great success, even tougher surfaces like concrete that can withstand a higher pressure with a lot more ease.

Here’s a quick rundown of when the soft washing method should always be used:

  • For softer materials like glass, roofing, and vinyl siding
  • For any material that may not be in the best shape, including brick, stone, or concrete
  • For any service that calls for a more gentle approach!

If you’re looking to work with the number one soft washing specialists in Shelby and the surrounding areas, then the team of pressure washing pros here at Outdoor Works, LLC are right here and ready to help. Give us a call at (828) 748-5269 today to learn more about what we can do for you and your home or business!

Brian Jensen

Published by
Brian Jensen

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